There are two main groups of letters and postcards presented here. One group was written by Hermine Freimark née Adler together with her son Friedrich and his wife Gertrud née May. The other group was written mainly by Rosa Theimer née Rosenbaum, with additions by her brother Max Rosenbaum and sister-in-law Sali Selma Rosenbaum née Adler. The letters were written mainly between 1939 and 1943. There are also a few postcards and letters written prior to or after the above period by other family members or individuals.
The letters and cards deal with daily events, family matters, and ongoing attempts to arrange passage out of Europe. The letters and cards from Rosa and family are mostly from Frankfurt, where they moved after leaving Würzburg. The letters from Hermine are from Galeen, Holland, where she went on the 15th of March 1938, to join her third son Friedrich and his family, who had moved there earlier after leaving Germany and had established a laundry business there.
Abbreviated family trees for the Freimark, Rosenbaum, Adler and Theimer families are given below to aid in seeing the relationship between the families. Hermine Adler’s sister Selma is married to Max Rosenbaum, Rosa Theimer’s brother.
Bernhard Bumfest Freimark <-> Fanny Hofmann
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Salomon Adolf Regina
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Hermine Adler Babette William Adler
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Leopold Artur Hertha
Ludwig Recha Berthold
Friedrich Leo
Siegbert Justin